Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Vasreus Wiki

Shiraha Sekairi (白羽世界) is a second year student in the Swordsmanship Division at the National Knight Academy. He was one of the candidates for Chief Student Council President.


While campaigning, all the candidates from the Swordsmanship Division gave speeches fiercely opposing the Magic Division. It was thought quite likely they were all in league with Board Chairman Takasugi Takayoshi in the plot to seize control of the school.



He enrolled in the Swordsmanship Division last year.


Volume 4

An election for Chief Student Council President was announced. But rather than a traditional election, a tournament would be held. Each candidate would be in a four-person team with two people from each division. The candidates formed teams and arrived for a meeting. There were a few famous candidates. Hayashizaki Kazuki, the only male in the Magic Division, had built quite a reputation. Magic Division President Otonashi Kaguya, the most powerful Magika Stigma in the school who had already defeated nearly every strong student in her year. Magic Division Vice-President Hoshikaze Hikaru, who was strong and tremendously popular in the school. A candidate from the Swordsmanship Division was Takasugi Shūsui, he and his twin brother were radical political activists and weren’t strong or popular but had recruited powerful allies. Another team was led by Mibu Akira, who was notable for being forced to attend the school against her will and hated the place. A lottery was held at the meeting to set the bracket for the tournament.

His team fought against the team led by Mibu Akira in the sixth match of the first round. They were confused when the opposing swordsmen didn't even participate in the match. It turns out the enemy spell casters were skilled enough in martial arts to counter their swordsmen. When they tried to target them with low-level magic it was sensed and dodged. The swordsmen weren't able to stop them from chanting the Level 5 Summoning Magic, ending the fight.

The Knight Order discovered that many of the tournament’s participants had been brainwashed and had been left with no memory of their actions. It also seemed that this brainwashing was also why they had all entered the tournament in the first place. Their behavior had been strange enough to attract the attention of their friends. It seems these girls were among those who were assaulted by a mysterious figure over the past weeks and were brainwashed while under Magic Intoxication. Both magic users on his team were among those girls who were brainwashed. They were freed from control after they assaulted Kazuki in a large group and were taken into custody but were not held responsible for their actions.

Volume 5

Prior to the finals a series of exhibition matches were held allowing the eliminated teams to show their skills again. In the end Magic Division President Otonashi Kaguya and her Vice-President Hoshikaze Hikaru (who many had thought would end up being the strongest candidates) faced off for third place. Hikaru had never defeated her rival and that held true even in this team battle. The final match was held between Hayashizaki Kazuki and the team led by Mibu Akira, which had been infiltrated by foreign spies trying to assassinate him. Despite the danger Kazuki displayed incredible skill and won the tournament, making quite an impression. Hayashi escaped while Karin was captured and Kazuki managed to reform her and won her loyalty. Over the following week the candidates campaigned and on the day of the election all 16 sat in front of the student body waiting for the official tally. In the end Kazuki won by a wide margin and delivered a speech focusing on unity between the two schools.

A few days later news reports stated there had been a massive coordinated strike on all Knight Order posts in western Japan by a mysterious force including mysterious Illegal Magicians. All of western Japan had now been conquered by this unknown army. Western Japan declared itself an independent nation called Yamato which would follow the Japanese Mythology. This made it appear that they were an authentic Japanese independence movement. But the fact that many members of their leadership were suspected of being on China’s payroll, and that they were allied with Loki, made it clear that wasn’t true. Kazuki later called the students into a meeting. At the request of the Knight Order he would be leading a volunteer force of skilled students to reinforce the border. Thanks to an information leak, they were almost wiped out during an ambush on their way to the front lines. Feeling the need to make a surprise attack without tipping their hand to the enemy, Kazuki led only the students on a raid behind enemy lines. This assault became Japan’s first victory in the Civil War and went a long way to establishing his reputation as a leader. It is unknown if Sekairi was a part of this volunteer force on not.

Powers and Abilities

Swordsmanship: The magic users were able to counter their attacks just with martial arts. Even when they couldn’t avoid taking hits while dodging magic, they were unable to do enough damage to disrupt their chanting.
